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2022 Athlete Results
A sampling of some 2022 results from the team. You can click each to see the full image and description!
An important philosophical view of mine is celebrating ALL amazing accomplishments. That said, some people like to see the numbers, so feel free to click here to see total races, wins, podiums and PR's.

Alyssa A
Alyssa finished 7th overall female at JFK50, one of the most competitive 50-mile races in the country! She was also 2nd master behind an Olympian... Amazing race on a cold day – finishing 5 spots up from last year despite stiffer competition, with an amazing racing attitude!

Heather P
Heather smashed her dream goal at the NYC marathon, running picture-perfect pacing and qualifying for Boston!!

Bill J
Bill crushed his 47km race, having a blast despite the insane weather, and running so strong to finish 6th!

Craig L
Craig came SO close to breaking a big goal at the Philadelphia Marathon - just 20sec away on a frigid day, and with 10k other people getting in the way. Can't wait for the next one!

Karen B
Karen B smashed her latest 5k, running a PR and coming SO close to her sub-30 goal on a long course!

David and Amanda
Amanda and David ran their first races back from their recent breakthrough marathons (London and Chicago), by smashing the freezing Lincolnwood Turkey Trot 10k! Amanda won 1st in her age group!

Alyssa A
This summer, Alyssa stepped way out of her comfort zone to race the USATF-NE Mountain Circuit, to get a lottery bypass for Mt. Washington. Not only did she continue improving at every race, she won the series standings!

James M
James decided last-minute to hop in a 10k, and finished 4th overall and 1st master!

Megan M
After 13 years of trying and even doing a decade-long run-streak to attempt to hit it... Megan hit 1000mi in a year for the first time! But wait... it's only October!

Tara B
Rocked her first sub-30 5k in a race!

Robin ran the Gator Double! An EVENING 5k race followed by a morning half marathon. Did I mention this was in Florida? Talk about humidity!

Pam M
Pam M rocked the New England Half despite some logistical challenges, finishing 1st in her age group!

Tara B
Tara B did the Everglades Half with her friend!

Tori V
Tori V had an AMAZING race at the Spartan Ultra 50k, running so consistently and finishing 2nd in her age group!

Maura A
Maura A ran an awesome race at the relentless Trapp Mountain Marathon, finishing 5th!

Patrick F
Patrick F ran a solid race at the Detroit Marathon, requalifying for Boston!

Alyssa A
Alyssa A smashed her final Mountain Series race at the Cranmore Mountain Race, finishing 2nd master and 5th overall! Huge kudos for stepping so far outside her comfort zone!

Dana W
Dana W ran an amazing race at the Cloudsplitter 25k, finishing 4th and ROCKING the climbs!

Jennifer M
Jennifer M had a super-strong race at the Rogue Marathon, running a 16-min PR! This is after her 20-min PR back in March!

Tom A
Tom A went rogue and ran the Cranmore Mountain Race, off of almost exclusively bike training!

David E
This training cycle, David E resolved to work diligently on running by effort rather than pace. At the Chicago Marathon, he did the same thing, with a HUGE BREAKTHROUGH! Running strong (by effort) on self-belief, he smashed his PR by a whopping NINE minutes to run 3:03!

Suzi H
Suzi ran a solid and consistent race at the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon!

Lauren B
Lauren ran her first race in a long time, and did AMAZING, pushing herself and finishing 1st in her age group!

Maura A
Maura A ran the Vulcan's Fury Half as her final long run before a marathon, and rocked it, finishing 2nd master and 7th overall! So many awesome improvements!

Christine L
Christine L went rogue and ran the Joe English Twilight Challenge - 2lap race... and WON IT! Epic!
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